Saldējumu rotaļu smilšu komplekts ar saldējuma vafelēm un karoti, Little Dutch

Par Saldējumu rotaļu smilšu komplekts ar saldējuma vafelēm un karoti, Little Dutch

Which ice cream do you want? There is strawberry, mango, vanilla and pistachio ice cream, as well as cupcakes. This ice cream set Fresh Greens by Little Dutch is the perfect play set to play with on the beach or in the sandbox. With the ice cream scoop and moulds, your little one can fill cones and trays with ice cream endlessly. Which flavour is your favourite?

  • Dimensions: 6,5 x 28 x 15 cm

Saldējumu rotaļu smilšu komplekts ar saldējuma vafelēm un karoti, Little Dutch

Parastā cena €14,49
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PVN iekļauts. Piegāde tiek aprēķināta izrakstīšanās laikā.

Par Saldējumu rotaļu smilšu komplekts ar saldējuma vafelēm un karoti, Little Dutch

Which ice cream do you want? There is strawberry, mango, vanilla and pistachio ice cream, as well as cupcakes. This ice cream set Fresh Greens by Little Dutch is the perfect play set to play with on the beach or in the sandbox. With the ice cream scoop and moulds, your little one can fill cones and trays with ice cream endlessly. Which flavour is your favourite?

  • Dimensions: 6,5 x 28 x 15 cm

Uzmanību! Mūsu produktu apraksti un preču nosaukumi ir pašu veidoti un sacerēti! Viedojam saturu no sirds. Jebkāda mājaslapas kopēšana ir kategoriski aizliegta! Šis ir mūsu intelektuālais īpašums, lūgums to cienīt un nepārkāpt mūsu autortiesības!

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